Breaking News
Monday 15 October 2007

Info Post
Robbie Jr. lst Birthday! My first grandson celebrated his lst birthday, on 4 o'clock pm, Sunday, October 7, 2007 at St. Theresa's Parish Hall, in Burnaby, BC. His parents, Robert and Daisy wants to thank everybody for coming and having a Happy lst birthday party! for Robbie Jr.
On the picture above, Claro David (back & leftside) and his wife, Marilou, came from Silverdale, Washington State. He also was a Subic Bay Tiger, SRF-Shop 38, Apprenticeship Batch '73. He is now retired in US Navy but still working as a civilian employee. And he's my brother-in-law. I told him the next year USNBEA Grand Reunion will be in Washington State (at this time no place yet) And he will be at our next year reunion! I hope!


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