Breaking News
Thursday 25 October 2007

Info Post
Today, Thursday, 25th, 2007 (11am--5pm) Food, Music and Art sales were the order of the day! The people kept on coming, they came with their friends and friends of their friends, too! I was busy finishing my blueberries painting, but so many wanted to talk to me, the blueberries painting cannot be finished today, that's ok!
Somebody wanted to see my painting of arches, that was on Invitation flyer and I told them it's already sold but I can make another one. And that lady, made a deposit and told me to take my time to really finish it.
And the food were edible, nooo, I'm only kidding, was fantastic and I had my fill!
Other artists were there, too! Derek, Jessica, Shirley and sculptor, Otto. AHA Director, Moe was happy with the event with her volunteer, Christine. Of course, the people who came, Thank you!


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